On February 25, 2008, Lee’s inauguration was held, and a new government was established. Lee, who was a CEO of the Hyundai Construction company and the mayor of Seoul, won a landslide election victory, receiving 48.6% of the vote. Many people expected him to develop Korea based on his glorious past experiences.
However, from the opening of his government, he has had a hard time due to several problems. Lee’s plans for English education caused trouble, and his approval for U.S. beef imports made people angry. So as a result, the people went downtown Seoul and demonstrated against it. Recently, diplomatic relations with some countries are getting worse. These problems represent his entrepreneurial leadership, which made him president does not seem to work well now. At this point, there is a need to consider his leadership style.

  People call him “a bulldozer”. His leadership shows how he got such a nickname.

- There is no surrender until the last moment.
- If trials 10 times do not work, try 100 times.
- To win in a competition, speed is all that counts.
- The most important thing is practicality.

 Based on these leadership beliefs, he joined Hyundai and made this company the greatest in the world with Chung Ju-yung, the founder of the Hyundai Group. It is a motivating power that can make a company into a major global firm. It was his challenge and pioneering spirit. He was the chief of Hyundai Construction in his 40s because of his practicality and spirit, and although he failed, he did not give up until the last moment.
 However, as a Korean President, Lee’s leadership is an obstacle to him now. For national economic growth, he approved U.S. beef imports without communicating with people, he did it and it antagonized them.
 His cross-country canal project was tied up. The Cheonggye stream Restoration Project he successfully implemented when he was the mayor of Seoul brought positive publicity for him from the citizens of Seoul. To achieve the project, he persuaded people who lived near the Cheonggye stream, and he guaranteed their rights to live.
 The object of the Cheonggye stream Restoration Project was to improve the environment in Seoul. On the other hand, the object of Lee’s cross-country canal project was to improve national economic growth. Lee had difficulty persuading people of his ambitious plan, because it was very adventuresome to dig out the whole city just for an estimated economic growth. However, according to his strong will, he made a cross-country canal project team and specific plans before persuading people. Therefore, it resulted in hardships.
 These situations show that his leadership style that worked when he was the CEO and the mayor of Seoul is now making him embarrassed. Can the entrepreneurial leadership style be appropriate for presidential leadership?
 Entrepreneurial leadership requires propulsive power for the sake of gaining an advantage in competition with other companies. In addition, an enterprise’s fundamental object is maximizing profits. To achieve this object, a CEO should command employees with authority. Efficient and practical management is also essential as part of the leadership. Lee reduced debts about 3 trillion won when he was mayor of Seoul. This demonstrates his admirable leadership.
 However, the presidential leadership does not require utility only. Recently, his practical diplomatic policies caused diplomatic confrontation with Japan-Dokdo dominium problem. For the sake of good relations with Japan, he overlooked the right of sovereignty. If he insists on only practicality, he will miss the rights of a nation’s sovereign power. The leadership as a president is more complicated than that of a CEO.
   There are also differences in the leadership styles. The president is not only a national leader but also a national volunteer. Therefore, it requires a devote attitude as well as authoritative leadership. National goals are much more complex than an enterprise’s goals. So considering this, Lee should be more prudent, and communicate with people more actively rather than pushing ahead with authority.
 His achievements are clearly worth being applauded. However, from now on, Lee should get his glorious past achievements out of his head for a little while, and keep the states administrate in mind. At the president’s inauguration, he said, “I will be a president who serves the people.” We need to reconsider whether he is indeed making policies to serve his people, or just holding onto his old-fashioned leadership.

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