Rethinking today’s science

Students learn science and ethics in school, but what they are studying in science class are Western ideas of modern science. In ethics classes, students are studying about how to solve the problems that were based on Western modern science like environmental pollution and exhaustion of fossil fuels. What an ironic situation.

From the historical point of view, the first stage started with questions, such as ‘How to see the world?’ and ‘Which is the most genuine one?’ in the era of Greek philosophy. People thought about how to analyzing nature. An old Greek word ‘Scientia’ means ‘True knowledge’. Scientia is the origin of the word science and this chasing for true knowledge became the basis of modern science in Western societies.

At this stage, there is no clear discussion about whether or not Oriental science lags behind Western societies. But before that, what is Oriental science? Is there ‘science’ in the Orient? Is the meaning of the word science same as the word science in Western societies? Unfortunately there is nothing we can call ‘science’ in the Orient. Everything we learn about science is more developed in Western countries than in the Orient.

As for now, no one cares about Oriental science. Why did Western science became so much stronger than Oriental science? The First Scientific Revolution can be helpful in understanding the process that today’s Western science is made from. The most important element of the first Scientific Revolution is the rapid development in technology after the Industrial Revolution. The development comes from analyzing materials only for its quantity. Scientists viewed the world as a place where quantity was important. They came up with the idea of a ‘necessity way.’ The meaning of ‘necessity way’ is the way to see the world as an unchangeable thing to fix nature as a regular statement. The reason why the necessity way was needed was to express nature in some simply numerical formulas. Moreover, the formulas are what we are learning and studying everyday in science classes.

Analyzing materials for character of quantity was done by separating the whole world into countable things and uncountable things. As the distinction between materials that are quantified and not became wider, even humans themselves became just some sort of materials that are countable. This idea was started by separating the human body from the soul. In the end, the modern Western science caused the loss of human nature by extreme quantifying. It cannot help to cause side effects in the process of developing technology. As we strive only for developing some sort of technology or engineering, human beings are separated from nature.

For example as a side effect of Western views, here is a question. Is death bad? If it is, then can you say life is good? The idea to separate life and death developed from the effort to exclude death from human life. That is the main reason for today’s population problem. In modern Western medical science, doctors are seeking only life, not death or pain. Naturally, survival rate of patients increased. Therefore, fewer people die while parents are giving birth. As we know, in the end, the rate of population increased extremely during just few centuries.

However, many scientists and scholars recognized many side effects and tried to find proper solutions. Since people started to recognize that many problems were caused by the point of view in Western science, some solutions were proposed. There were many solutions in philosophy or technology, but the most outstanding one is suggested with The Second Scientific Revolution.

If we can say that The First Scientific Revolution was related to technology, and then the second one is closely related to life science or to Biological Revolution. The Biological Revolution is in progress now. Unlike the modern Western scientific view, The Second Scientific Revolution suggests a point of view in totality. In the view of life science, there is no border to determine. In other words, nature is not quantitative. In addition, it means people start to see the world as a huge system. Therefore, there is no need to separate things for understanding the world.

There are some examples to see the world as a whole. Think about synthesizing DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid). The protein itself is not alive, but a life is created by composing non-alive things. There is no clear border between living and nonliving. Not only in the field of life science but also in physics, there is a theory that claims totality, the principle of uncertainty. According to the theory, we cannot judge an atom’s location and speed of materials. So now, we express atoms as a form of clouds that represents the probability of the existence of an atom. Because it is not possible to find out the atom’s position and speed at the time. That means now there is no meaning to divide repeatedly to analyze things. Just the fact they exist is a problem. How about in the macro world? Unlike Newtonian mechanics, which needs to define the absolute time and space in each, the theory of relativity (Einstein’s theory) takes time and space as a system relative to each other very closely. Therefore, a division of time and space is not a necessity.

In view of the results so far, The Second Scientific Revolution is the solution for the side effects of The First Scientific Revolution as seeing the world in totality. After that, some scholars recognized that the way of understanding totality is similar to the old philosophy of the Orient. As mentioned above, to take an example in medicinal, everyone in modern society including Orientals struggle to exclude death from human lives because of influence by Western medicine today. On the other hand, a town and a cemetery of inhabitants’ family are nearby in Korea. It is because of Korean’s philosophy that life and death are a cycle of human beings. It is obviously different thinking to that of Westerners.

This view above, about today’s Western science, is worthy of notice and thought. Ideas similar to the Oriental philosophy came into the spotlight as the solution for problems of existing Western science by many Western scholars. In this situation, why do we still turn aside our philosophy on the world of our own?

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