Kang Ki-tae, the son of Hadong in Gyeongsangnamdo, succeeded in travelling all around the country for six months from September, 2008 to March, 2009. He rode a tractor, an agricultural machine. He published a book as a writer and lectured to inspire and give dreams and hope to youth and students. There are many vehicles like convenient cars, motorcycles, and bikes. Why did he select a tractor as his vehicle? Tractor Diary for 180 Days is about the episodes and experiences that he had while travelling on a tractor for 180 days. He was out of work and was preparing to travel around the country. In Tractor Diary for 180 Days, he tells why he travelled using a tractor, how he got sponsored by a company, and how he planned his trip. Let’s find out more about him and his travels!

1. Why did you select a tractor as a vehicle?
When I was a freshman, I travelled a lot during school breaks. I have been everywhere on foot or with bikes, cars, and motorcycles. When I was a senior, I watched the movie, The Motorcycle Diaries, about Che Guevara. I was impressed with his sideburns and his spirit of revolution. By watching the movie, I wanted to go across North America. Of course, some problems interrupted me in travelling across America using a tractor. Then, I wanted to travel across Korea using a tractor. Since I am a son of a farmer, I wanted to show the strength of farmers. Therefore, I selected a tractor; an agricultural machine.
2. Despite all the snow that falls in winter, you chose to travel at the end of the year. Why?
Many people think that in winter, it is hard and tricky to travel. Let’s look at it the other way around. In our lives, there are few chances to travel in winter due to the fact that in winter the weather is cold and it is difficult to travel around. However I plunged in. I thought that if I got over the difficulties that I would face during this trip, I could do anything.
3. If you travel across America, you will encounter a language barrier. Are you worried about it?
Sure. However after graduating from university, I went on a backpack trip to Mexico, Costa Rica, and other countries. I couldn’t speak one Spanish word, but I got on with foreigners. I think emotion and body language are more appealing than words. Therefore I don’t consider language barrier as an important factor in travelling. Of course, to be prepared for the future travel, I am studying foreign language, but if you have a message that you like to convey, a language is not a big problem.
4. You donated all the profit you made in selling T-shirts. Why?
These days, many university students think about what they will do when they grow up, and what they can do now. In other words, they live in self-centered society. Of course, I was like that in my early 20s. I thought of drinking with friends and meeting with my girl friend. I have never had a thoughtful mind of giving back to society. Now I think if I share my regrettable experience with others, it will be good for our society. Now, I want to announce the love of farming and fishing village and about myself. I noticed that popular tourists like Han Bi-ya have never made shirts of their character. So I did it. If people saw my shirts, I want people to have the mind of donation.
5. You graduated from Korea National University of Education. After few years, do you want to be a teacher?
No. The reason why I went there is because of my parents. My parents were conservative, so they wanted me to have a steady job. However the major did not suit me. Therefore, I decided to do things that I wanted; travelling all around, publishing book, and teaching to students and youth about travelling. I want to go abroad, go to graduate school, and more.
6. If a student wants to be like you, what advices can you give to him/her?
It actually happens quite often. One of my jobs is a challenge designer. Two students wanted to be sponsored by a company like me and they wanted to do everything that I did. So I met them and I passed on my know-how to them. For example, the way of writing a project document, how to be sponsored by provincial government. They can be an honorary ambassador of Je-ju Island.
7. Can you give some advice to youth and students?
Instead of telling them that do a heart-throbbing and delightful experience, DON’T GIVE UP. If you encounter difficulties and hardships, do not give up. If you give up, you will regret bitterly for the rest of your life. On the surface, I look like I succeed every time. But I experienced many failures in my senior years. Don’t be afraid and give it a try. If you establish all solutions of all problems, it is already late. After giving it a try, you can then solve a problem that you encounter. DO NOT GIVE UP and GIVE IT A TRY.

Many students may be worried about their early 20s like Kang Ki-tae. For example, they might be worried about how they can plan a travelling schedule, and how they can challenge a new trial. However, many successful tourists recommend that if they do not know how they would start, they should read others’ essays.

You may think that he succeeded at once with luck, but as you see, many successful men suffer same hardships and difficulties. Do you know what ‘Entrepreneurship’ is? Entrepreneurship means one who undertake innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods. If you have a strong will, you can do everything. You should remember this and bear your goal in mind! In his words, if you have a strong will and you do not give up, there is nothing you cannot succeed in.

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