The role of mass media and its effect on the public is more than big. The definition of mass media is Newspapers, motion pictures, radio, television, and magazines, all of which have the technical capacity to deliver information to millions of people. The Mass mass media form a social consensushelps to create pop culture, it serves the role of entertainment and it also carry carries out the social function by suggesting and reporting the news and information in an objective point of view. (from Wikipedia Korea) Using the characteristics of Mass Media, there are people working hard to publicize the ‘inconvenient truth’ that haven’t gotten its deserved attention in our society.

The book and the movie ‘Dogani’, is based on a true story that happened in Inhwa-School, a special education school for the children with hearing disability disabilities in Gwang-Ju Province back in 2005. At that time the principal and the faculty of the school committed sexual harassment against minor students, and some of the teaching staffs bravely decided to report them to the police, thus establishing Victims’ Group for Inwha-School rape victims. Thereafter teaching staffs who committed the sexual crime were placed under arrest and the Victims’ Group won Human Rights Awards in Korea but all those efforts went in vain by when convicted faculty members wereies reinstateding in the same school. What’s more is that convicts weren’t even sentenced to imprisonment except in the case of one regular teacher. By any measure this case was unfair and to report this, the author Gong-Ji-Young wrote a novel based on the true-story based novel which has brought numerous disputes and attention right after it wasbeing published. The movie Dogani was produced in accordance with Gong-Yoo’s suggestion to Gong-Ji-Young. This movie also brought great resonance with the wider public by drawing over 180, 000 people in only eight days after the day it opened. Soon after the movie was released, a signature collection campaign started in the portal site called ‘Daum Agora’, aiming to gather 50,000 of citizens’ to participatesignatures. This campaign states “We insist on the reexamination of Inwha-school Rape rape case. Remember the cries of these deafened children. The truth must be revealed. Don’t forget this brutal truth.” The Remarkable remarkable thing here is that the Gwang-san gu office has actually started to act out on this problem by sending an official document to a relevant corporate body requesting the replacement of the chairman of theat corporatione, who is the family of previous convicted chairman. Gwang-Ju education office has said they will set up special investigation team for re-investing this case.
People often label ‘Dogani’ as the inconvenient, but need -to -know the truth. The case itself might be unpleasant to know hear about, but as more people are aware of this truth, solving the problem is more likely to be facing a brighter future, hence the need-to-know status of the truth. The one who started the signature collection campaign in Daum Agora is the Victims’ Group for Inwha-School rape victims. It’s not the first time they’ve tried to make thehelp resolve this situation more righteous and better. They’ve sweated ever since the unfair judgment was decided five years ago, but the reason why their voice is being heard by many at last, and finally giving them assistance and help is because the mass media has helped themjoined them in their campaign. People who weren’t aware of this case came to know about this by the film, media which is easily approachable to large number of public, and they participate in the campaign, and then public’s opinion can finally be heard by the officials who are in charge of it and they may re-think of the previous judgment; and this is all attributable to the mass media.
Some say the reason why the mass media is trying to cinematize and novelize this case is to seek for commercial values. Also, there are no guarantees that efforts of mass media can solve the problem without the chance of failure. However the emphasis is that, whether mass media has tried to commercialize the movie or not, it has contributed to create public’s opinionknowledge of the events. The accomplishment they’ve made is so immense that it had actually helped to at least shed new light on the issue. If this case wasn’t in the spotlight, most of the people wouldn’t have known about it and the small voices that try to let people know about injustice of their society can’t be heard. However when victims feel like they’re being heard, it can be a great help for them and recurrence of the crime can also be indirectly prevented, which we can thank mass media for that.

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