Clicking the category ‘Entertainment’ of the Internet news, there are articles we constantly see; articles that show the ‘Airport Fashion’ of famous stars. From a very long time ago, people have had an interest in fashion trends and especially, fashion of stars got much attention. On television, actors show off their stylish fashion sense and idol stars are dressed in fancy, unique clothes. Then why look at the ‘Airport Fashion’ of all of them? Not surprisingly, airports are the place where celebrities, who frequently go on business trips, pass by. But why are their appearances at airports always in articles? Moreover, why are the clothes they are wearing in airports always a hot topic? CAH took a closer look on the background of airport fashion becoming one of the fashion trends, and some interesting stories behind them.

1.     History of Airport Fashion
Actually, there is nothing new about the recent obsession with stars’ airport fashion. The advent of airport fashion began in Hollywood’s golden age, in the late 1920s. There were many paparazzi in front of the plane that just landed in Los Angeles to snap pictures of Marilyn Monroe getting off. We can see her stepping down from the stairs of the plane since there were no well-prepared airport platforms at that time. That is to say, her fashion was ‘Plane fashion’, not ‘Airport fashion’. In this period, flight was one symbol of richness and luxury since people needed thousands of dollars (if we convert it into today’s currency). This made the fashion of people riding planes become recognized as the most expensive and highest in quality. Soon, Hollywood stars’ plane fashion was always taken up as a topic.
      ‘Airport fashion’ in Korea started to be a hot topic in 2010. According to one story, ‘Airport fashion’ started to gain fame as the picture of the famous Korean actress ‘Jeon Ji-hyun’ in an airport was spread across the news. Seeing the picture of herself in a natural state, she felt depressed and this made her prepare better for the next trip. After distributing photos taken in a perfectly-prepared state, the public gave attention to her fashion. Though she was in costly clothes and accessories all around, everything became a sensation so that they were sold out in an instant. Once her airport fashion gained fame, the fashion of many famous stars in airports unceasingly claimed the attention of the public.
2.     Why Are People Obsessed with Airport Fashion?
One reason why people are captivated with airport fashion is the image of the airport. Similar to why plane fashion was famous in Hollywood’s golden age, there is an image that an ‘Airport’ has. What comes into your mind when we say ‘Airport’? They would be different among people, but commonly, words like ‘romance of travel’, ‘expensive’, and ‘trip’ will pop into your mind. Since how people think of an airport makes the image of it, there are still mysterious and special impressions left even if cheap flight tickets appeared. Moreover, people are interested about it because an airplane is not a normal form of transportation in their daily lives.
      Another reason for people’s obsession with airport fashion is the rarity of celebrities’ daily fashion. Even though stars appear a lot on television, people are aware that their styles originate with their stylists. Actually, there is nothing wrong about their beliefs. Since stars on TV are mostly wearing sponsored clothes, they do not get as much attention as their daily look. People believe that they can see the natural appearance of stars at least in airports. Moreover, since excessively decorated styles do not match with flights, what comfortable clothes stars wear are receiving attention.
3.     Airport: The Best Fashion Platform
As airport fashion became famous, it turned itself into one form of marketing. Celebrities started to put more effort on styling their fashion when going to an airport, and try hard to make it more natural and look better. However, a number of them showing expensive sponsored items rather than their own belongings is increasing these days. Moreover, there are an increasing number of companies that try to sponsor famous stars’ airport fashion since items shown at the airport are always sold out. Currently, an airport rather than a television program is used as the best fashion platform due to the bigger effect an airport brings to brand companies. Though many customers show negativity towards stars’ excessive exposure of sponsored goods, their interest in ‘Airport fashion’ is still high.
4.     Interesting Stories Behind Airport Fashion
The strategy behind airport fashion being used as a marketing tool is not simple. Celebrities who have already signed contracts with other fashion brands are said to have many restrictions on their exposure of items. The number one desired celebrity in the industry is said to be actors waiting for their next film after their success in a previous one. In addition, celebrities’ brands sponsor differently according to the purpose of the promotion. For example, when a luxury brand wants to influence even young people, sponsoring young idols will give a ‘young brand’ image.
           Negotiations between the agency and the sponsoring company are also said to take place in detail. Rather than simply wearing the product or carrying it to the airport, it goes through a complicated negotiation process, such as where to expose the item, and how many photos to upload in social media. The industry even mandates the best times to take pictures of celebrities in the airport. This means that airport fashion is no longer just the fashion of stars.
           With the public’s interest in fashion continuing, the stars’ airport fashion is also attracting a lot of attention. Though some people complain about airport fashion, which is more popular for fashion-conscious young people, being used as a marketing tool, its popularity is still on the rise. If you are curious about the fashion of stars, not only check television but also watch their airport fashion. You will be able to easily identify various styles and recent trends.
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