What we need and where we start

Have you heard about the famous 'Blue Ocean'?
Through all kinds of media, we have frequently heard about the 'Blue Ocean.' It is a popular title in our economic field today. Furthermore, the 'Blue Ocean' is known to lead business starters to success since there are no competing companies. (when we start to dream about starting our own business, most of our thoughts just fade away like a midsummer night's dream.

Why do we let them fade away?
If we could just concentrate on our thoughts more seriously, it could change our whole life!

These days, the Cultural Industry is being described as one of the high potential industries in 'Blue Ocean.'

The Chung-Ang Herald interviewed Seo Hyo-seok, the CEO of Studio Kwang Hap Sung (cultural guerilla group), to guide us for a successful cultural business.

CAH : What do we need to prepare for starting cultural business?
Seo : You need to find the right person who can understand any of your conditions. It's really important to have friends who can think the same like you. Those friends can easily be your business partners, and your best trouble consultant.
These helpful friends will never just drop from the sky, unless you desperately look for them.

CAH : What were the hard things to start cultural business?
Seo : When I started this business, I was only 22-years old. I didn't even have a penny in my pocket. However, I had  neither money nor people, but I had ideas. Additionally, I was not fully experienced controlling the workers, which led to many failures.

CAH : When do you think is the best time to start cultural business?
Seo : I think during your twenties is the best time to start a business. The thirties seem too late. The CEO of a well known company, Nexon, is known as the creator of an on-line game called, the Cart Rider. He had four failures before he could succeed! He experienced failures in his twenties and succeed in his thirties. I believe there won't be any chance to succeed after the thirties. That's why I think the twenties is the best time to start a business.

CAH : Other last comments for people who prepare for cultural business?
Seo :As you all know this very well, studying is the best method. So, put twice or more efforts than other people, this is the starting way to success. Today, there are many places of information searching services in Internet sites and libraries that enables you to study without difficulty.
   It's better to plan your future wisely with enough time than wasting it unconsciously. For example, go to a coffee shop with your girl or boy friend and study together. Know the enemies and yourself then and only then, bright lights will shine your way.

  To prepare for your cultural business, as Seo Hyoseok said, we need to find a person who thinks like you, and studies more. In the interview, he said today's culture is more take-ism than give-ism. People's greed is endless, they all want to take and buy more. Due to this mindset, he dreamed a world of only giving than taking: "It would be great to live in a world where the word 'take' doesn't exist and people only tries to give more for the needs.

   Like the idea of cultural business is also come from having different mind from other." Furthermore, he emphasized that we need to give our best attempt to make our dreams come true. Enthusiasm only can't make us succeed.


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