Are They Real Drug Offenders?

2019-12-10     Jeong Ye-rim


BBC Korea reported that, this year Korean police have arrested 994 drug offenders, showing that Korea is no longer a drug-free country and that the police are closely observing drug-related crime. Most total drug crimes in Korea have been possession of marijuana, which is an especially popular drug among celebrities. But did you know that marijuana is also used for medical purposes, too? The marijuana used for medical purposes is becoming more difficult to prescribe due to the above-mentioned events. Let's find out why this happened and how we can solve this problem.
Marijuana is made from Cannabis. The stem of the cannabis has been used for weaving fibers and has a wide variety of uses such as berries used as spices, medicine or condiments. If cannabis activated, about 60 types of substances that relieve vomiting, insomnia and pain will spread to the body. Therefore, it acts as a pain reliever that halts the pain felt by the patient. In fact, the U.S., Canada, and Japan have approved the prescription of a cure that contains marijuana. In South Korea, a revised bill was passed in November 2018 at a plenary session of the National Assembly in recognition of the need for marijuana as a treatment. However, the problem is in the administrative actions of enforcing the law. This is caused by process of prescribing medical marijuana to patients and patients receiving it. This process has been considered too complicated. The prescription of medical marijuana is available only at the Korea Rare Essential Medication Center located in Seoul. The drug is not available at hospitals except Seoul, and the Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) issues a letter of approval. Then the drug center directly imports medical marijuana from overseas and bring it to patients. This is too difficult for patients in need of immediate medication. Therefore, there is a need for improvement in prescribing medical marijuana. As for the possibility of drug misuse, medical marijuana is strictly divided, while medical marijuana is managed sufficiently by the government as it is sold as a health supplement at overseas convenience stores. There have been cases in which canabidiol oil was purchased directly from overseas sites. After being caught in the case, prosecutors arrested the drug and suspended its indictment
We may not feel the need for medical marijuana, but it is an indispensable drug for someone. Also, the availability of drugs in Seoul alone will further bother local patients, and taking a long time is also a difficult part to understand. If the government is worried about misuse of marijuana, they should detect users who really need to be regulated, not medical marijuana users. In the future, efforts should be made to expand the prescription areas of medical marijuana and reduce the time required to deliver drugs should be formally applied to patients. It is time for the government to truly sympathize with the suffering of patients and help solve them.