Ring the Bell of Love

2005-04-05     HERALD

 We usually don't know the value of what is around us. But when we are out of it, we can recognize its worth. Maybe you had the experience of finding out some plays to see, but there wasn't any. But have you ever been interested in the play posters on the walls?
 As many of you know, Chung-Ang University is famous for the department of theatre. Their performances have been great for a long time. And this time, they put the play named 'Ring the Bell of Love' on the stage.
 To those who really don't know the true meaning of love, and to those who wonder if there is a real love, this play would be of great help.
 There is 'Allan' who is a good for nothing fellow. He keeps company with girls, as many as he can, and he enjoys his free lifestyle. But he also has one girl in his heart : He thinks 'Coney' is special, but to him, true love and marriage are a sort of burden and an obstacle which only interrupts his free life style. But as time goes by, Coney wants to marry him. Finally, they are separated due to Allan's indetermination. After they break up, Allan realizes that he really loves Coney and apologizes to her for his stupidity.
 The power of love itself was just great. After Allan found out the meaning of true love, he changed a lot.
 On the other hand, Allan's brother, Buddy, was originally a model student. But he was influenced by Allan's free style and became a playboy like the former Allan. However, as time passes by, he would realize what love is.
 Their acting was really natural and all the audience could be absorbed into the play easily. In particular, one actor who had seven roles in the play was applauded because the audience could not help giggling by his acting. One of his roles was a sexy woman, and he made a really beautiful voice. Some actors also sang along with some dances. At that time, the play changed to a great musical. After the play, the actors provided a service, taking photos with them, and it will be a beautiful memory for the audience.
 But the small stage wasn't enough to accommodate all the people who wanted to see the play. Also, there was only a written order of row in the ticket, not the seat number. Furthermore, there were too many acquaintances and it was obvious that they were treated in a better way. The staff was busy saying hello to their acquaintances. Also, there were a lot of high school and middle school students who attend art school. But a few scenes were a little gaudy for them.
 Nonetheless these shortcomings could be overcome because every student who majors in Theatre has tried their best. When you want to enjoy cultural life, how about having interest in the posters on the walls? It will be a different experience because you don't have to pay too much and there will be no traffic expenses. And above all, considering that the ones who perform are university students, you can feel passion and purity.

                                                                                        By Kim Moon-sun
                                                                                        Culture reporter