School Guidance Center

           There can’t always be just good days. Worries pile up and sometimes, it can be difficult to resolve the problems. However, there are people who do not like to share their burdens or their worries with their friends and family. It could be the readers of the Herald. Fortunately, there is a place for these students. It is the “Student Guidance Center.” You might find the answer for your problems you have just had in your mind.
           The Student Guidance Center is established for helping students to understand their real problems and to enjoy their campus life. In order to help students, there are various programs underway at the Student Guidance Center.
1.     Counseling
a.     Personal Counseling
            Students can get one-to-one counseling when they have some problems that can’t be resolved by themselves. In this way, they will truly know their real problems and find out the solutions together with the consultants. In personal counseling, there are counseling sessions about studying, personal relations, career, personality, and mental health. If you have an interest in this counseling, apply in following order.
b.    Group Counseling
            Unlike personal counseling, group counseling is a program wherein about 10 to 12 students who have similar problems find clues to solutions together with a consultant’s guidance. You can get group counseling about improvement of personal relations, self-expression, communication, career exploration, and self-growing. Students who want to take this counseling have to check the notice for counseling, then visit the Student Guidance Center and submit an application directly.
2.     Psychological Inspection
            Besides counseling, the Student Guidance Center offers various psychological inspections therapies to students, and want to help students to know themselves objectively. There are a personality type test (MBTI), an aptitude test (Holland), a multiphasic personality inventory (a test through which a student’s inner side can be searched), and an intelligence test. You can apply for these inspections in the following order.
3.     Other programs
            The Student Guidance Center does campaign and opens special lectures in early May and in early October each year to give students useful information and coping methods about mental health issues such as depression, losing weight, and love. Also, they conduct an MBTI workshop once every semester for enrolled students to help them understand themselves and others. There are also job aptitude tests and collective interpretation counselling for students who find jobs. Furthermore, freshmen and school personnel also get various inspections.
           You can visit the Student Guidance Center Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm. (Lunch break is 12pm to 1pm.) The location and contact information of the Center at Seoul Campus and the Center at Anseong Campus are as follows:
Seoul Campus: Building 310 B208 / 02-820-6263
Anseong Campus: Building 611 1st floor / 031-670-3398
It is time to share your whole stories that you haven’t talked about with anybody. We hope that you don’t have your problems alone anymore. You will find some answers if you share your problems with a consultant and think together. 


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