Lately, the program named 'The House Detox' received attention from many people. In 'The House Detox,' cast members visit various clients' homes and show how the house can be changed by cleaning up things and rearranging furniture. The first step to a new look of the house is "empty." What does "empty" mean? Does it simply signify reducing things or state to having nothing? Empty has more value than just cleaning things up. Empty is a process that affects not only physical space but also our lives. Thus, we need to learn how to be empty for a new start.


             First, we can face our past and greed through the process of emptying. Marie Kondo, an organizing consultant, explains that "Tidying up provides an opportunity to learn from your past experiences and to identify the things that make you happy.” Through the emptying process, people can realize the memories inside them, the things that speak to the heart, and the lingering feelings that they could not throw away. Second, we can choose and focus through emptying. Many things and aspirations are only getting forgotten and piled up in a space already full. Empty makes you see more clearly what is precious and valuable now. Therefore, you can see the true place of each object. The thinking of 'I have to do everything well' fills the heart with anxiety and burden. According to the psychological website 'Verywell Mind,' perfectionists sometimes are not able to achieve anything. Experts said the perfectionist needs to empty the mind first to overcome perfectionism. If they do so, they can reduce stress and focus more on their goals. Finally, emptying is the foundation for a new start. In architecture, 'void' is a very significant concept. Void is a space that can be anything and can be filled with new meanings by people who use the space. Architect Mihn Hyun-jun said, “The charm of the void is that it is a space created by users, not an architect.” When we live an ‘empty’ life like empty spaces with various potentials, we can have more possibilities for a new start.

             We live in an era of mass production and mass consumption. However, 'minimal life' has become a culture of its own. This lifestyle that tries to focus on life with must-have things only shows the thoughts about the emptying of people. The process of emptying changes not only the space where we spend our time, but also it has great power to bring changes in our lives. If you do not know what to do, I recommend that you first think about dividing things into 'need,' 'desire,' and 'throw away.' You will be able to experience a different life from before when you become skilled in emptying through training. If you want a new start, or if you have too burdensome in your mind, it is time to ask yourself a question. 'What should I empty?'



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